Investors Said No, Now What?
Choosing to Be a Consultant and a Business Coach
The question in the minds of most service providers and consultants today is whether they should add business coaching to their existing consultancy business and why they should do it. First of all, business coaching is definitely a part of the service industry. Anybody and everybody can, and does, call themselves a coach of some kind. There seem to be hundreds of kinds of coaching available today, and self-styled coaches offering these courses. The problem is how to assure your coaching client that their reasons for looking for coaching, and the motivation behind their coaching initiatives are based on sound business needs.
How Handling and Transport Influence Case Performance?If you find yourself in need of shipping highly important or sensitive equipment, you would be advised to choose the most suitable transit case, protective case or packing case based on your equipment and its specific nature and dimensions. However, two equally important factors to consider in this regard are the aspects of handling and transport, which also play a crucial role in getting your coveted equipment to its destination safe and hassle-free. To this end, this post will discuss the importance of these two aspects and shed some light as to how they…
Small Business Owners: Improve ‘Profits’ by Managing and Supervising PeopleAs vaccines are being administered in the nation, companies are allowing workers on-site instead of working remotely. The key person to drive ‘profitable’ results is middle management leaders.The manager’s job is to track, monitor, measure people, processes, performance to make sure the work gets done.
Why Dessert Should Be Part of Your Daily MealThe delicious taste of desserts can melt any heart and bring a radiant smile to the face. We always enjoy a slice of apple pie, molten lava cake, or cupcakes. Contrary to popular beliefs, dessert can benefit your health.
Free Ads for Small Businesses During COVID-19We all know brick and mortar stores especially small businesses have been hit hard during this pandemic. A local Boston businessman has and is still doing free ads for the small business he loves. From printing costs to designing they do it for completely free.